Photography & Vidoegraphy Services Singapore
APXGARY PHOTOGRAPHY is a one-stop Professional Production service line for both photography and videography in Singapore. Base on our endless experience with a full range of coverage in corporate/commercial, wedding and other photography/videography services in the past engagement. As an outcome of the very high contented rate from clients for the past years. It is because we love to give advise and listen to our clients to fit their expectation. Besides, we are well trained with professional equipment/software to provide the very best result.
Why engage us
We have been engaged by many counts of clients with good feedback for the past few years. We keep doing what we love to do and keep gaining more and more experience on the field with a full range of photography & videography services. From executing a plan in group or individual and most importantly, proper operation with our professional equipment.
Quality of our works
After the event, we don't just simply give you raw file as finishing line unless requested. We will transfer all our quality of work to our top industrial software (Lightroom/photo booth/final cut pro) to go into our serious editing. Ensure your photos are tone balance, contracts, vivid and many more. Follow by video editing part. We do not just mixing all the videos footage into one to make your video standout but also add license music/soundtrack and tuning audio to make it more attractive. Hence, we work closely with our clients to review your video and fit into your final production line.
Guarantee Trust
We ensure all your plans well executed which you have briefed us and providing your run down the program during your event. Our priority is to make sure all shot/frame is capture which you directed us.

Our Corporate Clients/Experiences